Pokedex reward

List of reward completing pokedex, Reward list will be extended by time goes on along with more pokemon egg release

  • 10 = Tittle [Pokemon Lover]

  • 20 = Gym Pass [7776] x1

  • 30 = Tittle [Pokemon Trainer]

  • 50 = C. Pikachu Hat [62688]

  • 60 = Evolution Stone Pouch [62724]

  • 70 = Emoticon [62725]

  • 80 = Tittle [Pokemon Master]

  • 90 = Evolution Stone Pouch [62724] x2

  • 100 = CB. Pokeball Aura [62713]

  • 110 = C. Pikachu Mini Me [62687]

  • 120 = Evolution Stone Pouch [62724] x3

  • 130 = Master Ball [62741]

Last updated